Heating systems:

The most intensive production in greenhouses and greenhouses takes place during the cold season, when temperatures can be very low. A drop in the temperature in the protected area below the minimum optimum can cause various physiological disorders in cultivated plants, such as vegetative arrest, deformation of fruits and the like. In addition, the occurrence of frost with extremely low temperatures for a long period can result in a complete loss of the crop and harvest, which significantly affects the yield.

In the company META-PLAST d.o.o. we have many years of experience in installing and maintaining heating systems that can provide your crops with ideal temperatures for growth and development. Our solutions are adapted to the specifics of your greenhouse or greenhouse, taking into account the geographical location, the type of fuel available and other important factors.

Our technical department, after a detailed analysis and study, can offer you the best solution for installing a heating system with optimal power and key elements that ensure proper and efficient operation. Our solutions not only protect your crops from the harmful effects of low temperatures, but also enable continuous and successful production throughout the year.

Central heating system (hot water)

Central heating systems are recommended in locations with low minimum outdoor temperatures, where large temperature differences between indoor and outdoor spaces are required. These systems are ideal for crops that require high minimum temperatures for optimal growth and for projects that aim for high productivity and a high degree of automation.

In many cases, central heating systems are integrated as part of the overall greenhouse or greenhouse system, serving, for example, as heating pipes that simultaneously function as rails for work carts, harvesting carts or sprayers. In addition, heating systems are often used as a tool to regulate moisture in the fruiting zone, thereby reducing the risk of disease.


Heating systems:

The most intensive greenhouse crops often go through their cycles during the cold season, when temperature drops below the optimal minimum can cause various physiological disorders, such as vegetative arrest and other problems. The occurrence of frost, especially at extremely low temperatures that last long enough, can lead to the complete failure of the crop and the loss of the harvest.

Heating system with hot air generators:

Heating systems with hot air generators are recommended in locations with mild minimum outdoor temperatures, where crops require an optimum minimum temperature that is not very high. These systems are ideal for projects that aim to increase the speed and productivity of cultivation during cold periods. Also, they represent an adequate solution for projects where the equipment is needed primarily as a safety measure against frost.

The operation of the hot air generator is based on the generation of heat from a certain fuel in the combustion chamber, which is an integral part of the air-air exchanger.

The fuel is burned in the combustion chamber with the help of an atmospheric or pressure burner, depending on the model. The heat is then transferred to the air in the greenhouse via the secondary side of the exchanger, with an axial fan ensuring efficient distribution of the heated air. The appropriate number and arrangement of the generators, combined with the optimal speed of air flow and the range of the fans, enables an even distribution of hot air throughout the volume of the greenhouse, thereby ensuring ideal conditions for plant growth.

+385(0)33 / 801-542