The distribution of nutrients through irrigation water is a complex and demanding technique that requires precision and reliability.

Our computer-controlled dosing units, the result of decades of experience, are highly versatile and suitable for various production conditions. Whether it’s traditional soil cultivation, drip irrigation, potted cultivation with ebb and flow systems on sub-irrigation tables, nursery plant cultivation, or advanced aeroponic, floating, or NFT systems, our units provide optimal solutions.

For each specific application, an appropriate unit is designed to meet the needs of your cultivation.

META-PLAST produces dosing units for fertilizer and acid solutions, which can be integrated into mixing tanks or irrigation pipes. Each customer can choose the most suitable unit according to the type of cultivation, water flow, available energy, and, last but not least, the dosing quality.

Customers can choose between one or more recipes, depending on the type and method of cultivation.

The uniqueness of our computerized fertilization units is the ability to integrate with climate control. Our “all-in-one” philosophy allows for centralized and simplified installation and monitoring of the entire production system.

Our units also allow remote control via the internet from any computer, as well as the ability to log data and create irrigation graphs for precise monitoring and analysis.

FertiMix – High technology for the best yields.

FertiMix is a fertigation mixer ideal for companies that want to professionally manage nutrients, whether in soil-based or soilless cultivation. Equipped with an open mixing tank and an advanced dosing system, FertiMix ensures perfect mixing of fertilizers, acids, and irrigation water. This allows precise and stable dosing, even when irrigation flows vary.

FertiMix allows the use of two different types of dosing per channel, using high-quality electronic valves, high-resolution flow meters, and manual valves, providing an exceptionally high degree of dosing control.

Users also have the ability to fully control the system remotely via smartphone, tablet, or computer. Depending on irrigation flow needs, FertiMix is available in various sizes: L, M, and XL.

Nutrient Solution Tanks

Material: Polypropylene

Characteristics of polypropylene:

  • Chemical Resistance: Polypropylene is resistant to diluted bases and acids, making it an ideal choice for tanks containing nutrient solutions, cleaning agents, and other chemical liquids.
  • Elasticity and Strength: Polypropylene has elasticity within a certain range of deformation but also undergoes plastic deformation at an early stage, making it a “rigid” material. Strength, as an engineering term, refers to the ability of a material to deform (plastically, not elastically) without breaking.
  • Fatigue Resistance: Polypropylene retains its shape after numerous twists, bends, and stretches, making it suitable for manufacturing tanks of various shapes.

Due to its properties, polypropylene is widely used in the food, chemical, and medical industries.

Flow Rate of FertiMix LOd 3 do 18 m³/h
Flow Rate of FertiMix MOd 10 do 40 m³/h
Flow Rate of FertiMix XLOd 20 do 60 m³/h
Acid/Alkali Dosing ChannelUp to 1. Max. Dosing Capacity 300 l/h
Fertilizer Dosing ChannelsUp to 4. Max. Dosing Capacity of FertiMix L: 300 l/h

Max. Dosing Capacity of FertiMix M, XL: 600 l/h

Dosing MethodsTotal EC / Proportional / Combined EC-Proportional / Quantity / Irrigation Stop by Quantity
EC Sensors2 EC sensors with temperature measurement and compensation
pH Sensors2 pH sensors (electrode)
Irrigation Zone Valves 8 expandable up to 250
Water Pressure ControlYes
Supported Irrigation SystemsDirect Irrigation / Indirect Irrigation / Ebb & Flood / Closed Irrigation
Maximum Irrigation Water Tanks8
Maximum Irrigation Lines8
Irrigation ProgramsManual Command / Clock / Timer / Light Radiation Sum / Drainage Influence / External Input
Connectable SensorsDrainage Quantity / Drainage EC / Drainage pH / Substrate Weight / Radiation / Tank Level Sensors / Irrigation Flow Meters
Remote Control and AlarmsWith computer, smartphone, tablet applications

+385(0)33 / 801-542